Television news with good news for each bad news

Today watching a television news means being ready to listen to at least fifteen minutes of bad news.

If you’re not ready psychologically, but you’re not when it comes to murders, suicides, terrorist acts, feminicides … it’s hard to get to the end of the television news without being emotionally shocked. The final services dedicated to cinema or sport are not enough for feel better.

To make the spectator feel better who wants to get information but does not want to get depressed, the television news was born which gives good news to every bad news.

Newscast logo with subtitles
Logo of the television news that transmitted positive news for each negative

In this type of news program all is presented as the classic television news, what changes is that after giving space to the first bad news they proceed to a first positive news.

A negative, a positive, a bad news, a good news …

So many beautiful things happen in the world every day

With this solution, we will always be a little depressed at the end of watching a newscast, but perhaps we will be more optimistic and say less sentences like “the world is sick, have you seen what happened today?”.
Because being informed about what happens in the world does not mean just knowing what’s bad happens.