The necessary internet

Only thirty years after the birth of the internet, man realized that the network was necessary and therefore the information should not be paid. Until then, to get to know through the internet, you had to pay the connection, in short, the knowledge had a price. Connecting from your personal phone or from home meant paying off some money to telecommunications companies; only a low percentage of users had access to free accesses provided at some points in large cities.

Ticket like movie theater that allows internet access for 2 GB
Internet access is only allowed if you pay a fee.

From the personal phone you could access the internet by paying, as if there was an access ticket. The virtual ticket allowed us to use the service up to a total of downloadable data, because every web page had its bit weight, so the more you navigated the more you consumed bits.

A people that know is a people who grow and live longer, since the internet is the medium that all humans rely primarily to get to know something, it was normal to get the birth of a global free internet access network.

A man who does not have internet access because he has not paid
By ending the ticket in Gigabyte for internet access, no more information is received.

By ending the ticket in Gigabyte for internet access, no more information is received.[/caption]

Worldwide internet free access

And so was created the network of the human people: a network accessible anywhere on the planet that offered free content. The principle on which the network was based was this: a man can not say he was such without having known his story, his discoveries, the bases of his existence, but also how to live better or how behave in serious situations .
All this could not be known only by who could afford it, knowledge had to be free and we did not have to pay.

Free internet SIM card logo
The worldwide free internet access network allowed you to receive information everywhere.

The network used a “SIM” symbol as a logo, but it did not really exist phisically, just click on the program now installed on all devices.

The principle of knowing how to answer the fundamental questions about man was born:
“Any man who has lived on earth, as a representative of the human race, if one day was interrogated by other beings other than him, he should have known the answers to the fundamental questions.”

What content was part of the “necessary network”?
Sites with news of the day, cultural content of all kinds, sites dedicated to human health and those who provided information on how to behave in situations of danger and first aid. All these were included in the list of resources essential to man.

How did the network work?
The network did not exist physically, but exploited the existing networks that were obliged (by Community laws) to allow free access. As already mentioned, it was possible to access the internet from anywhere on the earth, if a place was not reached by any network, the service switch a free via satellite access.
Each nation had its list of necessary resources available without user paying a cent, the list had to be composed of contents likes:

  • 1 information site for each different political deployment in the country.
  • At least 5 sites related to health, rescue and cultural resources in general.
Pie chart showing the percentage of necessary network
Only a portion of the internet is really needed for man

The percentage of “necessary network” compared to the totality of the internet was 30%, which meant that only 3 resources on 10 networked were really useful to mankind; this figure reached an increasing value in the years up to 80% today thanks to the end of the websites considered “irrelevant”.

As is normal in our part, in a planet historically full of contradictions, not all nations followed these standards 100%, confirming the enormous power that had hired the telecommunications giants. It was said that “every phone possessed a man” and not the other way around.

In these cases, there was often a compromise whereby internet free access was offered only for:

  • Navigation on dedicated training sites.
  • During the advertising spot, the data traffic was not considered.
  • Road maps.

In these countries access to some sites could be in “free” version, or some pieces of information were displayed and the remaining parts were blocked because to access it, you had to pay for the connection.

Home page of an site in free version
The information you need on a site is visible to everyone, the rest is blocked.

Those who, unable to pay the internet connection, only looked at the commercials, now not calculate in data traffic, created a community to comment the advertising.

Logo of the community site that comment the advertising
Watching a commercial can not be calculated in the data used during the connection.

“Bc” is the community of those who comment on commercials.

The Internet storage system

The process that has led to the free spread of knowledge through the internet has been very slow. Often in our articles, we wondered how it was possible for human history to imagine technologically advanced future in the movies and then to find it twenty years after 2000 in a not so advanced future.

Display of a Bit Supply Pump
Bit reload to get the information you need.

Suffice it to think that for a long time to surf on the net, the man paid a weekly fee that would assure him a total of bits and had to make a charge for his bit tank. As it navigated and consumed miles of bits, the tank was emptied until it was no longer possible to access it until the next supply.

In the early years of 2000, many telephone companies offered 24 hours a day access to the Internet, after paying a monthly fee. Obviously, we were not connected all that time and often we paid important annual fees and then took advantage of the service for a few hours a day.

So many users have organized to share the network, so the birth of the website, an Internet sharing service between neighbors.

A device worth mentioning was the “internet charger”, defined as the “internet storage system”.
The system connected to the home network and counted the time when no device used the internet, which was still paid by the user through the monthly fee. The device could then be taken out of the home to exploit the accumulated (and not used) internet elsewhere.

electronic device that brings your internet connection anywhere
Device that counts internet hours included in subscription but not exploited

Ultimately, many years passed before the man realized how much internet was a network needed for his survival, in the more advanced countries it was free to everyone and this was a parameter to assess the level of development of a nation.

Internet storage system logo
Put the internet in the cloud and use it everywhere.